Sunday, November 1, 2020

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #513: "Utopia, Part 2"

X-(Wo)man Loa's appearance in the last book I reviewed reminded me that it had been quite some time since I checked one of Namor's appearance in an X-Men book. Having read one as a result, I'm reminded why that is. 

As the cover reveals, this is chapter two so let's include the handy recap.

It seems that whenever I pick up an X-Men book which features Namor fairly prominently on the cover, he ends up being an afterthought inside. This is the case again.

Emma Frost is being introduced to the team of Dark X-Men she is going to lead. It is rather underwhelming.  Norman Osborn allows her to add members and she requests but a single one.

Frost probably has a scheme of her own brewing so perhaps Namor's role in future issues will increased and significant.

As it is, Osborn apparently has the authority place a curfew on the city of San Francisco. A group of young mutants chooses to challenge said curfew so Osborn's team of X-Men are sent out to, supposedly, maintain the peace.  That includes Namor.

The real X-Men are watching the proceedings from afar so one would expect the two teams to clash in the following chapter. Or have a nice long chat, these books seem to enjoy those. 

This book gives a little context to the only other Utopia book I've read, the dreadfully tedious Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1. That's about it.

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