Fantastic Four (1961) #4
(May 1962)
Following the recovery of his memories with the help of The Human Torch, Namor returns to his home only to find it devastated. Namor also narrates another visit to the scene of the crime in Tales To Astonish #96.

(August 1965)
While Namor was preoccupied on the surface world, one of his warlords, Krang, revolted and took over Atlantis.
Namor was taken prisoner upon his return but escaped with the help of the lady Dorma. He then embarks upon a quest for the "enchanted trident of King Neptune" the possession of which will confirm his status as Atlantis' true ruler.
The quest to regain the throne would run until issue #76 of the series.
Tales To Astonish #90
(April 1967)
Byrrah cheats to defeat Namor in combat for the right to rule Atlantis.

In an epic-scale crossover spanning several months, multiple titles (including Namor the Sub-Mariner and the Fantastic Four) and two one-shot specials, Morgan Le Fey weaves a spell which causes Atlantis to rise from its ocean depths and, in effect, become an island which she renames Avalon. Thor and the Inhumans are featured prominently as well.
The process of raising Atlantis is devastating to the ocean kingdom and kills an estimated 60% of its population which is now tasked with rebuilding the kingdom.
That's bad.
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