The Coming of The Sub-Mariner
May 1962
After being out of circulation for a while, Namor is found by Johnny Storm, The Fantastic Four's Human Torch, in a homeless shelter suffering from amnesia.
Storm restores Namor's memories but this leads to Namor discovering that Atlantis has been devastated by atomic testing conducted by the American military. Namor decides to take revenge and attack the surface world!
This is also the book in which Namor develops a fondness for Susan Richards, the Invisible Woman from the Fantastic Four. That affection would become a guiding factor in the relationship between Namor and the various members of that team.
You can read more about this book here.
Fantastic Four (1961) #33
Side by side with Sub-Mariner
December 1964
First appearance by Attuma, leader of an Atlantean barbarian horde and among Namor's most dangerous foes.

Year Of Glory, Day Of Doom
May 1968
This may be the first issue of Namor's first true solo series but it's not the obvious entry on this list that one might assume it to be.
The book is a little strange in that it is the second part of a story begun in an Iron Man / Sub-Mariner book cover-dated the same month. It is issue #1 of a series, yet the reader is dropped in mid-story.
Much of the issue recaps past material (so much so that it arguably makes Fantastic Four #4 above obsolete) and fills gaps in Namor's spotty memory. It also provides a greater degree of detail about Namor's parents so it certainly does belong on the list but its goal at the time was clearly to bring people up to speed as to the character's background.

Watch Out For...Tiger Shark
September 1968
This book is significant for featuring the origin story of villain Tiger Shark, a character that would appear frequently in this series and become a common foe across the Marvel Universe. He would have significant impact on Namor's life in the future as well.
Todd Arliss was a highly successful competitive swimmer who was severely injured while attempting to save someone from drowning. Desperate to regain his ability to swim, he put his trust in a scientist named Doctor Dorcas who planned to cured him by transferring Namor's powers to him and the abilities of a tiger shark. The process made Arliss a physical wonder but shattered his sanity.
You can read more about this book here.

The Day Of The Defenders
December 1971
Marvel gathers a seemingly random and unconnected bunch of characters and the Defenders are created. Namor is, technically, the first recruit (by Dr. Strange) and it is he that recommends the Hulk and the Silver Surfer as partners for the mission at hand.
When the team's first adventure comes precariously close to being a disaster, Namor states "We all but caused the Earth's destruction...While we sought to be its valiant defenders" in effect naming the team.
The Defenders would get their own book in mid-1972 and Namor would remain as a member (often reluctantly) until issue #14 of that title. He returned later in the series and the majority of the times that the loosely-knit club has reformed, he has been involved in some capacity.
More information about the book can be found here.

Who Am I?
June 1972
This book makes the list for the first appearance of Namorita, a cousin to the Sub-Mariner. She would become a popular character in her own right, particularly as a member of The New Warriors team.
Initially seeing her unconscious form in the watering and assuming that she was on the verge of drowning, Namor "saved" her. His intentions are misunderstood, however, and the young lady runs away from him. She is later revealed to be a hostage of one Byrrah during his attempts at securing the Atlantean throne for himself.
You can read more about this book here.
The Coming Of The Invaders
June 1975
The Invaders first appeared as a team in Avengers #71, cover dated December 1969, but the story of how they came together was told in Giant-Size Invaders #1 published in 1975.
The books is split into chapters detailing the members coming together. Captain America, not surprisingly, leads the way. The Human Torch is next, then Namor appears.
Namor explains that he was asked for assistance by Winston Churchill to get across the Atlantic. Churchill, then, seeing how the team worked so well together to repel the Nazi threat, asks them to set aside their differences (Namor and Human Torch in particular) and continue to do so. The rest, as they say, is (Marvel comics) history.

In the Midst Of Life...!
October 1975
Betty Dean-Prentiss steps into the path of a ray gun blast meant for a restrained Namor, saving his life at the expense of her own.
Dean-Prentiss was a police woman and reporter who appeared frequently during Namor's adventures in the 40s and 50s. In the modern era, she essentially served as a guardian to Namorita. That relationship created a bond strong enough to lead Namorita to adopt the last name Prentiss for herself.
You can find out more about this issue here.

Many Brave Hearts...
December 1985
"Essential" might be a strong term to use to describe this issue but it does include a significant moment in the Avenging Son's history.
While he had encountered the Avengers both as an ally and an opponent a number of times to this point, he was officially be offered membership into the group at the end of the the story. He accepted and remained with the team for several years.
Scans and a greater level of detail here.

Round 8
September 2012
While possessed by a portion of the Phoenix Force, Namor leads the Atlantean army into a devastation of Wakanda, causing tensions between the two nations to reach a boiling point.
More about this book here.
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