Friday, March 27, 2020

The Incredible Hulk (1962) #118; "A Clash Of Titans"

With Namor coming to the Hulk's defense in the New Avengers: Illuminati issue reviewed last week, let's segue to the Avenging Son's appearance in the Jade Giant's own book, from 1969.

Oh, look, there's Dorma in danger again...

We get handy catch-up text to kick off the proceedings.

That strange cruiser is piloted by Dorma. Although she recognizes the floater as a surface dweller, she chooses to rescue him. If he's of any importance, that act could help cement peace with the land lubbers. All right, good thinking, blue lady.

But upon her arrival in Atlantis, we learn that not everyone is a fan.

Fara figures she can suggest to Namor that Dorma is having an affair with some skinny, pale, surface dude and get the prince all good and worked up. Use his temper to her advantage, so to speak.

Namor is already in the process of ranting about the surface world with Vashti when she interrupts, which works in her favour.

Namor has to see this for himself to he storms off to Dorma's quarters. Banner wakes up while the two Atlanteans argue. Waking up in a strange room to a bunch of yelling is hard on his nerves. He gets all worked up and we know that means. Hulk smash!

Our clash of Titans begins. Dorma gets knocked out in the action so Fara sees an opportunity.

Dorma helpless??  No way!!

A throw down between Hulk and Namor can't help but create significant collateral damage and Fara also gets caught in the spray. Namor gets knocked into a wall, and...

Oh. Well, so much for Fara. We didn't have time to get attached. Too bad. She could have been a good wildcard trouble maker.

Namor digs Dorma out but the Hulk isn't done yet. He launches himself at Namor.

Hulk gets literally blown out of the water so Namor goes to look for him.

"...And have found...a man!"

So he leaves. He doesn't check if Banner's okay or any such. he doesn't question what happened there. He's determined that Hulk is no longer a threat so it's back home because he's got renovations to finish. Okay!

I enjoyed that Namor didn't feel like a guest star in this book. He didn't just show up to have his ass kicked and make the Hulk look invincible. He arguably got more attention than the Hulk did in the Hulk's own book. That's rare so it made for a fun read, even if the finish was a little clunky.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The New Avengers: Illuminati #1

I've loved the concept of a secret union between the top dogs of the Marvel universe from the moment I first laid eyes on the cover below. I'm glad to finally get around to reading it, regardless of the various criticisms I've come across about the Civil War story.

We begin with the first meeting of the various men above more. They are gathered in Wakanda years ago and naturally, T'Challa, the Black Panther, is also in attendance. It is shortly after the Kree/Skrull War that took place, in real time, in the early 70s, I believe.

Iron Man makes his pitch. He suggests that the various teams should unite under one banner to take on the world's problems. Namor is something other than impressed.

Namor argues that the public perception Iron Man expects, and cooperation between factions, would not happen because of some of the "questionable characters" among them.

And yet...He votes in favour of it on the condition that the entire operation be done with secrecy. This little program even includes a little mental monitoring by Professor Charles Xavier, something that I would think he would reject immediately but apparently not.

Black Panther does reject the proposal and warns that the whole thing will end badly.

And so we jump to the near present. The Hulk has devastated Las Vegas, killing several people in the process. Iron Man is being taken to task on the SHIELD helicarrier by some lady named (commander) Hill. I'm sure she's a big deal but I don't really know her.

They go over the old argument; If Spider-Man had simply killed the Green Goblin at some point, he'd have saved countless lives (the example works far better with Batman and the Joker...). Instead, the Goblin just goes back out there and kills a few more people. When is Spider-Man at fault for this? How often should the Hulk get away with this?

(Never. That's a stupid argument. No one can have the burden of murder thrust upon them)

With that in mind, the Illuminati meet. They plan to launch the Hulk into space where he can do no harm (in theory). I mean, they won't kill him, just...launch him into an endless void. You don't want to be cruel or anything.

But Hulk has a defender in Namor (see what I did there?), of all people. Those two have fought and argued numerous times but Hulk was a teammate and Namor's opposition feel quite appropriate. He will not tolerate the mere thought of this plan and makes his stance quite clear.

Namor and Iron Man battle underwater and Namor comes quite close to murdering his opponent here. He rips off his helmet and leaves him to sink like stone. Dr. Strange fishes them both out with some levitation type of spell before that happens.

Namor, then, is quite capable of committing murder to prevent murder. One to file away.

A disgusted Avenging Son beats it in a huff but shows up when invited at the next meeting. In that meeting, Iron Man previews Civil War for those in attendance (Namor, Strange, Reed Richards and Black Bolt). He explains that the government will expect all vigilantes (and mutants, Inhumans, etc.) to reveal themselves and to continue their activities only under SHIELD's oversight. He recommends that everyone sign up voluntarily.

The notion goes over like a fart in an elevator for most of the people in the room, including Namor who basically gives him in the finger.

And so a large crack begins to form in the Marvel universe.

I don't know how much of a factor Namor is in the actual Civil War mini series. It doesn't appear as though he's involved all that much, but he did show up in issues of Black Panther and Wolverine at the time. Click on the "Civil War" tag on the right to have a peek at those.

He is a far bigger part of this book than I thought, being that he is only half visible on its cover. His trademark arrogance and temper are both on display prominently and, as usual, he swims against the current, so to speak.

In typical Brian Michael Bendis fashion, the sitting-around-the-table debates are a little long but that aside, as a fan of Namor, I don't have much cause to complain here. An Iron Man fan might, but that's not my problem. ;-)

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner #6: "...And to the Vanquished...Death!"

It's been over two years since I reviewed the issue prior to this one so it's about time I got around to the second part of the story.

At the end of #5, Tiger Shark had laid out Namor. Thinking he had killed its prince, Shark turned his attention to the throne of Atlantis, as so many seem to, but Dorma lures him away.

This is a rare occasion of seeing Dorma make herself useful. Every little bit helps!

Tiger Shark's sister, Diane, brings Namor back to consciousness and he sets off against his enemy and his true love but he fails to catch up to before the pair reaches Atlantis.

Once there, Shark decides he's going to run the place, but a brave warrior named Seth steps up to challenge him. Seth appeared briefly in the previous issue as well.

The fight is brief, as Seth's weapons are useless against Tiger Shark's powers.

The council of elders ask Shark to spare the young soldier if the villain wants them to acknowledge his victory. Seeing an easy path, Shark agrees. 

When Namor reaches Atlantis, his people are glad to see despite having exiled him earlier. They're a hell of a lot nicer when they need something. Namor and Tiger Shark come to blows, naturally...

Ah, but Namor refuses to murder Tiger Shark despite the opportunity to do so. His victory, as well as his show of mercy, convince the council of elders to restore him to the throne of Atlantis. And so in no time, Tiger Shark is incarcerated and Namor, well...

Nice! I...don't recall much about this "Destiny" Namor refers to but obviously it won't be long until he comes up again. He was in this issue earlier but because his presence was not relevant to this story, I glossed over it. We'll get to him later.