We recently saw some flirting with Emma Frost and we know he's been pining for Susan Richards for some time but neither relationship seemed appropriate (particularly not the one with the married woman).
He's been married twice that I know of, to Dorma, and to Marrina of Alpha Flight. In the case of the latter, much of the relationship was off panel so difficult to share here so Dorma it is.
I figured the issue below might feature some good lady-in-distress stuff so that's what I settled on. Plus I dig Tiger Shark so I cheated a bit.
So you wander into some coastal cave and naturally the first thing that happens is that you get attacked by...
Meanwhile, Dorma knows something is up and she seeks to find her missing prince with some encouraging words from her entourage.
The whole power transfer thing wore out Namor so Shark does ultimately get the upper hand, however. And so we have a good ol' cliffhanger to lead us into issue #6.
Boy, an awful lot of stuff went on here. It was goofy entertaining and while the original plan was to jump around between eras with this character, I may need to conclude this one sooner rather than later.
By the way, I thought this Dorcas guy was a throwaway mad scientist but damned if he didn't appear in future issues of this book and as recently as the Thunderbolts in 2012. Waste not want not, Marvel!
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