Sunday, January 5, 2020

Agents of Atlas (2009) #6: "Secrets of the Deep"

Namora's appearance in Secret Empire: Brave New World a couple of posts ago put me in a mood to track her down. This leads up to read some Agents of Atlas, a team I've long been curious about.

See that Dark Reign stamp over the logo? That's important.

It's a little confusing to jump in six issues into the series but evidently this group has a problem with Norman Osborn. They figure the best way to reach him is through one of his "cabal", namely everyone's favourite avenging son, Namor. Namora brings everyone up to speed.

I'm sorry...He did the what-what now? Isn't that like saying "Sure, he blew up New York, but there are plenty of cities in the States"? I guess I'll come across that story at some point, but Namora seems cool with it.

Tagging Attuma for this cameo.

So they track down Namor...

They are greeted at the door nearly from the moment they arrive.

Namor sets up a nice banquet for his visitors but of course, things go south. Namor wants Namora to stick around Oceanus, the Agents don't want to lose her, but the feces hit the propellers when Namor realizes that one of the Agents is reading his mind. How rude!

Well, no shit! This entire scene reveals that Namora is quite sore about Namor never recovering her body when he thought she was dead. She is quite grateful to that Lost In Space robot Agent for being instrumental in reviving her.

Can't blame her for that.

To break up the fight, Agent member Venus sings her siren song which has the following effect.

Oof. I don't give a shit if I found out my sister was adopted, I can't get past the "title".

Two days later, Namor takes the team on a sightseeing tour of the Plato Trench. A kiss from a cousin will mellow you out that way!

Everything is chill right now but the next issue is entitled "The Depths of Desire". In light of that unexpected cousin-kiss above, I'll have to brace myself for that one, but at least it won't come out of nowhere.

Good book, especially since most of Namor's appearance in this millennium appear to be mostly shite. I'm glad that Namor shows up in the next issue as well. It probably won't be long until that one is added to the stack.

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