Sunday, December 1, 2019

Fantastic Four - Atlantis Rising #2: "Assault on Atlantis"

After yesterday's post about an Avengers book in which Namor is prominently featured on the cover but not in the interior, I thought I'd move on to a book in which he should be far more involved. This seemed like a safe bet.

But I was wrong.

The book is exactly as the title suggests. The heroes who have gathered (Namor, Thor and The Fantastic Four minus Reed Richards but plus Ant-Man) take the battle to Morgan Le Fey and Atlantis. Sue Richards uses her force field abilities to crack open Le Fey's defenses and the heroes throw down against a number of Inhumans.

Therein lies the problem. Between the Inhumans who are not members of the royal family and the Fantastic Force group, there is an army of little-known and uninteresting characters in this book. It become difficult to keep track of everyone's abilities, affiliation and motivations.

At least in Namor's case, he scraps against the better-known royals. In the previous installment of this story, he tossed Black Bolt around. This time, he tangles (pun intended) with Medusa.

Wow! Somebody has NOT been missing leg day!

Namor compares her hair to tangling with the tentacles of a giant squid. One of my favourite aspects of his character is his uncanny ability to sweet talk women. Go on, you old honey dripper!

Gorgon gets into the scrap as well but Namor continues to hold is own.

He's not much involved going forward. Long story short, the risen Atlantis is basically destroyed but most of the heroes get out with the help of Sue Richards' force field though some are unaccounted for. The gang regroups on a nearby beach but Namor has no time for hugs and handshakes.

Thus ends Atlantis Rising, for all intents and purposes.

An issue of Fantastic Four Unlimited followed which served as an epilogue anthology. We'll get at that down the road sometime but at this point all we know is that Namor's supposed son, Llyron, intended to find a new location for Atlantis that Namor would never find. I think we know how that worked out.

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