Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Avengers/Invaders (2008) #2: "Battlefield Brooklyn"

Today, we're moving ahead in the Avengers/Invaders mini series from 2008 in large part because I can hardly wait to get into issue three which features a Namor (1940s) vs. Namor (present-day) cover battle. Damn! But to get to that issue, we need to tackle #2 so let's get at it.

This bodes ill.

The Invaders time-jumped to 2008 from the 40s in the previous issue. After a battle against the Thunderbolts they, uhm, bolted. Now the Avengers want to find them. It's the whole "If he dies in the present" thing.

Here's Iron Man barking out orders to a rather lame Avengers line-up.

Ares, Sentry...Not exactly your classic team, though not lacking in power, either.

The Avengers have no difficulty tracking down the Invaders, being that the latter team is really making no effort to hide. The Invaders, coming from a time of war, assume that the Avengers are Nazis and so when Earth's Mightiest Heroes arrive, the gloves get dropped almost immediately.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Check out Namor cracking Sentry across the head. He even draws blood! That's awesome. Well worth my $1 right there.

In a bit of fighting that flows very poorly, Sentry gets a shot in in return, in mid-air, and in the very next panel, Namor is facing Ares on the ground.

Imperius Rex, bitch!

Namor's teammates do fall, however, so he is left solo against a full Avengers team. There ain't no quit in that pointy-eared boy but that's still a tough ask so when Ares tries to cheap-shot him with his ax, Namor turns the weapon to his advantage.

The man has a plan. And he knows how to make his point. After leaving this impression (left-handed, it should be noted)...

Namor flies off and no one does a thing to stop him.

The other Invaders are captured and much of the rest of the issue involves their attempts to escape. We don't see Namor the rest of the way but it appears we have plenty to look forward to in the next issue.

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