Saturday, March 16, 2019

Fantastic Four (1961) #402, "By Our Friends, Besieged"

We're going to look at Namor's participation in various Marvel events over the next few posts and to launch that, we'll move ahead a bit more in the Atlantis Rising story.

When we last saw Namor, he had been fighting a mind-controlled Thor above the ocean over newly-risen Atlantis. A group of Inhumans in a space craft blasted him out of the sky on their way through. Namor was found by some of his people and taken to safety.

He next appears in Fantastic Four 402.

Namor finally wakes up, is greeted by an old friend, and brought up to date.

Oof! That's rough.

Meanwhile, the Fantastic Four head to London England to participate in a NATO meeting about Atlantis'...Rising. The Inhumans crash the party and basically tell everyone to mind their own.

Namor was asked by Vashti earlier if he would seek vengeance or be a healer for his people. It is at this point that he makes his plan quite clear.

Heal on your own, people, I have to put boots to asses! The earlier scene with Vashti seemed to hint that Namor would become a more balanced, subdued leader but nope! To be fair, he is not in charge of Atlantis right at that point so they're not officially "his people".

feels that the the Inhumans conspired with Morgan Le Fey to raise Atlantis and he wants to slap a few of them around for it. Black Bolt steps up and with that, the gloves are dropped.

Susan Storm separates the two monarchs with a force field. The Inhumans then get a holographic message of some sort from a dude name Arcadius (no clue) telling them to return to Atlantis ASAP so they gather together and teleport out.

They are replaced by Thor, who has come to his sense at this point. So the Fantastic Four, the avenging son and the Norse God of thunder prepare to take the battle to Atlantis directly in the next installment.

Parts of this epic have been hard to follow but when you remove the clutter and follow just the one character around, it's much clearer, even if my knowledge of the Inhumans is limited.

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