Friday, May 11, 2018

Thunderbolts (1997) #163

This is a much shorter appearance by the Avenging Son than the book's cover would have you believe.

Based on the recap in the inside cover of the book, The Thunderbolts were fighting an evil force known as The Serpent then made "The Great Escape". Their base of operations began to glow then disappeared. Why an escape was required is a little less clear because according to that very same recap, the tide had turned in their favour anyway, but here we are.

The Thunderbolts come to find out that they've gone back to the 1940s when they are suddenly attacked by Nazis. They are specifically in Austria, though they don't seem to be aware of that detail at this point. Regardless, if you're in Europe during WW2, you're going to get a visit from...

Unfortunately, that grand entrance doesn't happen until page 19 so up to this point it's really just a bunch of talking, second-guessing about what got the team where they are, etc. Rather dull, to tell the truth.

And since page space is limited by now, Namor's contribution is likewise limited. Now that I own several issue from his Invaders days, I marvel at how often he has found himself redirecting torpedoes towards Nazi U-Boats. Well, in this one, he throws a rocket back at them. More of the same, really, but at least we get the old battle cry out of it.

This all builds to a "golden age Thunderbolts" story in which the team will ally itself with The Invaders, or at least those two members.

That story actually skips an issue (sort's number is 163.1. Marvel numbering, y'all) before resuming in 164 and concluding in 165. This issue might have taken a while to get going but I do look forward to seeing the story takes us.

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