So I bought it, of course. It collects 20 books in total; 18 issues of Tales To Astonish, one of Tales Of Suspense and, somewhat surprisingly, Daredevil #7.
The book starts with Namor sitting on his throne (as he often does), being questioned about why he hasn't taken over the surface world yet. Check this out...
That's Dorma on the steps.
Namor decides to go negotiate...something...unclear...with the surface so he hops on his Turtlecycle and heads for New York.
Namor's is unfamiliar with human law so he looks for a good lawyer or, alternatively, the very first one he comes across. Of all the wild coincidences, that happens to be Matt Murdock!
In Murdock's office, Namor lays out his master plan.
The absurdity of the plan is explained to Namor. The Sub-Mariner doesn't care for the response so he goes to plan B, which is to demolish the city in order to be arrested. Then "the man" will have to bring Namor to court. It's brilliant!
But not really. This book is full of such leaps of logic. When Daredevil attempts to stop Namor, his reasoning is that he should kick him off the pier because maybe "a dash of cold water will cool him off and make him listen". How can you possibly think that's a good idea?
Shortly thereafter, Daredevil recognizes that Namor is essentially invincible in water and, well, gets his ass kicked in record time. Namor recognizes that 'devil's a solid dude though so he doesn't let him drown, even if his handling is a little rough.
Daredevil, however, won't quit (and is fearless, as we know) and it is his courage that gets underscored. He loses the fight, but earns respect.
Namor heads back to Atlantis to kick Krang to the curb, a story which I hope to read in the next issue of this compilation.
This issue, by the way, is also notable for being the first one in which Daredevil wears his red suit.
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