The inspiration for this was the Atlantis Rising multi-title crossover. I bought the compilation on the cheap on Comixology some time ago. It includes issues of Namor's own series of the time, Fantastic Four, Fantastic Force (*shudder*) and as the cover below will give away, also features The Inhumans.
Triton of the Inhumans is found by this oceanographer lady and some dude and brought back to their crib. Meanwhile, Namor's sword, for some reason, draws him (and Andromeda) to Triton as well.
But it's not the only sword to do that! This guy has the same issue!
Everyone seeking Triton shows up at the same time which, naturally, means a scrap.
The battle is fairly even until BW pulls this dirty trick.
The whole thing is a giant distraction for our favourite prince and he loses his focus, leading to this:
I think at this point it was understood that Namor's series was coming to an end so perhaps this made for a good cliffhanger at the time? Obviously he survived this and we'll find out how when we get around to issue #61 some day.
Pretty cool book though. The series may have been nearing its end but it doesn't feel like anyone mailed it in. Quite the contrary, they were going for "epic" with this one!