But he does take that lady's advice to go jump in the ocean, figuring that either he'll find peace in the ocean or die and be relieved that way. Can't...argue with that logic.
And while he's finding out which one will turn out to be true he also happens upon a breathing corpse. Or something.
He rescues her and this is what he gets for his trouble.
Turns out that's Namorita, his second cousin, so yes, that's kind of gross, but at the time no one knew that.
There is a lot flowery language in this book and while it starts out kind of dramatically comical, it gets old fairly fast.
At this point, he's felt drawn south and when he reaches that spot, he immediately gets attacked by a bunch of crab dudes led by this guy...
Anyway, Byyrah and his crab dudes actually have Namorita hostage and are attempting to use her to make Namor obey them. Namor swears to tear them apart with his bare hands when the REAL leader reveals herself.
Namor justifiably tosses her in an oil pit in short order and takes off with Namorita to have a chat.
This Shakesperean tale was both written and drawn by Bill Everett which is pretty cool since he invented the character. He created Namorita, for that matter, and this book is notable for featuring her first appearance. It would perhaps not be to everyone's liking, but it is certainly a must for fans of either character and/or their creator.