Saturday, November 30, 2019

New Avengers (2013) #7, "Thrones"

Early into the creation of this little blog, I decided that I would follow Namor's adventure from the point that he was brought back into continuity in Fantastic Four #4 in 1962. The material prior to that is often brutally drawn racist nonsense.  Yes, different times and such, but I found it impossible to enjoy.

I might do something similar and block out the last decade or so. It seems that whatever I read in the 2010s is dreadfully dull, especially when it involves around events such as Secret Empire, Dark Reign and Avengers vs. X-Men. I'm going to get into Namor's recent "heel turn", to use a wrestling term, in Avengers then Invaders soon so hopefully those stories are more entertaining.

This one, as is often the case, seemed to have some promise based on its cover, but that's misleading. It's just another gab-fest.

Tony "Iron Man" Stark and Reed "Mr. Fantastic" Richards are discussing the state of affairs and the subject turns to Atlantis. Richards explains that the Wakandas have captured some Atlanteans and plan to try them for war crimes against the Wakandan capital. And so...

"Something went wrong" seems like an understatement based on the image above. Something goes wrong when you clog your toilet. The massacre above looks like more than just something going wrong.

Be that as it may, we cut to another conversation (because that's all this book is) between Namor and T'Challa, the Black Panther. Going contrary to nature, Namor actually offers peace.

The "she" that Panther refers to is his sister Shuri who appears to be in charge at this point.

T'Challa turns out to be quite correct. The next day, as Wakanda's leaders meet. T'Challa recommends a peaceful course of action but Shuri decides against this and declares war on Atlantis.

A war between Atlantis and Wakanda sounds like it could be entertaining as hell. In this book it'll probably be equivalent to watching two dudes play Battleship.

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